By Tree - 30/07/2010 11:34 - France

Today, my husband told me "The only reason I stay with you is because it's cheaper than paying child support." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 096
You deserved it 5 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not leave him and get child support anyway

Fuckme19 0


VeilOfVelvet 0

Divorce him and make him pay child support =) that'll teach him to open his big mouth. And it's not like it's only for the sake of getting even either -_- I'd say he's not the type you want to spend the rest of your life with.

WTF? divorce his heiny. you deserve better

Bad_braud 0

Yu shuldda been like..."Yu shuldda been like well The fact that i need child support is the reason im divorcing yu"

What OP fails to acknowledge are all the things SHE DOES to break that poor man's spirit, and his commitment to putting up with her, only due to his love for said children. 100% you deserve the truth OP! Good luck to the kids...

haha sounds like the husband was smart until he slipped and told his wife his actual plan.. #125 theirishjanedoe i decided your a dumb bitch

Irish isn't dumb, far from it. What did you object to about her comment so much that made you 'decide' she was?

kaayalbx 0

awe im sorry OP. what a douche.

ifigot a girl pregnant I would move to Mexico and change my name for a year

Absocold 0

Yeah. It's cheaper to keep her.

wow!! he deserves a 10! nice thinking XD