By holyshitbatman - 09/11/2012 04:53 - United States - Toledo
Same thing different taste
Traditional values
By Anonymous - 29/06/2020 23:01
By Ltl_Dust_Bunny - 23/03/2009 07:36 - United States
By StillBetterThanTwilight - 28/08/2012 15:56 - United States - Minneapolis
Alexa, play "Ghosts" by Japan
By stuckathome - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By shastadoe - 06/08/2012 06:37 - United States - Los Banos
Get out of there, fast
By LeaveMeAlone - 23/02/2021 22:56
By ahhhhhhh - 30/07/2019 14:00
By lessinterestingthanadog - 08/11/2009 05:28 - United States
By Jimii Liu - 11/03/2012 01:41 - United States
Another one?
By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 15:24 - United States
Top comments
Well, I think you're dating the kid from the sixth sense.
My thought exactly.
I wouldn't. They're protection spirits. People used to think the first being buried in a churchyard would have to guard the place forever, so to spare a human that fate and let them go to heaven, they would bury a dog.
I was thinking more like Sirius Black
He shouldn't speak about her next door neighbour like that.
It seems you don't know about hell hounds or devil dogs
The black dog is Sirius Black :)
I'm pretty sure a hell hound or devil dog would've attacked OP by now, but considering OP is still alive to tell the tale, I think it's just a case of the loonies or a protection spirit.
Omg I agree! Why do people think the black dog is a good thing? Black dog apparitions represent the devil!
Because when some entities die they go to heaven and some don't you dipshit
Naww, isn't that sweet, you have your own spirit dog :) I kind of envy you there.
It is sweet, indeed. What if the guy isn't actually that crazy and really can see apparitions? Hell, there's a ton of shows on tv, daily, about people who track down apparitions, all over the world. I'm just saying, the guy doesn't sound crazy unless he said this after taking some sort of illegal drug possibly mixed with alcohol.
I meant that it was sweet that the guy spoke up about what he saw and told his now ex-girlfriend or boyfriend, aka the OP. No one can force the OP the believe in these apparitions.
You need to look up the meaning of the black dog. If I remember correctly its supposed to have a meaning about death. I think he's messing with your head.
Maybe It's true...
So is shrooms. But after 4 hours I'm sure it won't be a hard break up...
So much for the 'seemingly normal guy'.
20- I find your critic on his comment unnecessary.
36. Slap yourself... Please!
35- I do believe that the "xibit/yo dawg" meme applies to that comment.
Isn't a big black dog like the symbol of depression or something.....
You're speaking the truth, which doesn't make you sounding morbid. But I wanted to state a similar comment that it usually symbolizes death. You just had more courage to do so than I.
Yes, depression is also referred to as a black dog... There's actually a book titled 'My Black Dog' or something, it helps explain depression a little.
No, it symbolizes a dark colored canine...
'it looks kinda like a cross, which stands for suffering, and that could be a sun, so you're going to suffer, but you're happy about it!'
That is siriusly grim.
Almost as grim as a man locked away in a prison for a false sentence.
Interesting. What if John Coffey (The Green Mile) was also an animagus? He turns into Mr. Jingles!
Now that's just Black humor.
A dark mark on satire's record for sure.
:') Harry Potter references
Omen really OP, zomb(ie)-people are so strange! This guy really demon-strates how suspicious they can be :L
I got a bf with the 6th sense. I love him for who he is. If you can't except him for who he is, then, leave him. Jeez.
Same. :) Still not sure what I personally believe about it all but his stories pretty convincing...some stuff you can't make up. And it's interesting how people around the world and throughout history have seen the same things with no connection. Maybe it's just how the human brain works, maybe something more. I imagine our comments will get thumbed down to hell either way though...people who haven't personally experienced this kind of stuff are not very tolerant...I don't particularly blame them though, I would have laughed a few years back too.
10- it's 'accept', unless you truly mean 'except', in which your sentence makes no sense/sounds hypocritical.
4 - I don't think you understand. She's saying that if you can't deal with it then don't go out with him but then using her personal example to illustrate that OP may not want to immediately assume that he's crazy and start being creeped out because, in her opinion, some people have that kind of ability and it doesn't stop them being good boyfriends. Jeez.
The stupid - it burns!

I'd be more worried about the "black dog" following you.
That is siriusly grim.