By Tree - 30/07/2010 11:34 - France

Today, my husband told me "The only reason I stay with you is because it's cheaper than paying child support." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 096
You deserved it 5 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not leave him and get child support anyway

Fuckme19 0


that's terrible! dump his ass then make him pay tha chid support!

needsagf14 12

maybe hebwas joking. chill out

like that Tammy Wynette song.. "our D.I.V.O.R.C.E becomes final today..."

wow, that's grounds for an upcoming divorce! o_o

nyrfan1102 0

at least hes not cheating on you

I hope you divorce him and then go after him for child support,

awsomechick212 0

wow what a dick u should divorce him

iHeavenz 0

And tell him that the only reason why you stayed with him is to only get with his dad.

LMFAO! i'm so sorry. i would cry but..YDI for marrying a douche bag

bookbee 2

Let's find out that's really true, shall we?