By torny>horny - 10/04/2011 04:42 - United States

Today, my husband tried to be romantic by throwing me in a bed laid with roses. Too bad he forgot to remove the thorns first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 601
You deserved it 4 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that kinda sucks, but be happy he tried to do something. It's apperantly an unspoken rule for women to be happy with what their husbands give them, with the right thought behind it of course, even though it kinda fails. My boyfriend always tries to cook me delicious diner but ends up throwing a main ingredient in I really don't like. I still love the fact he went through all the trouble trying to please me.


your fault that he felt like he had to be romantic to get laid maybe op shouldnt be so prude

and the answer is no. a lady fell on top of them.

did he then mistake your groans for pleasure moans and dive on top of you? that's pretty funny OP. hope you're alright.

thorns hurt. I fell into a bush and my whole lower body was bloody ad torn up.

wow, along with being stupid, he's also lame and cheesy. let him know that next time when the urge strikes to do something 'romantic,' rose petals, not entire thorn-covered roses, is the usual thing to do.

kinga08 0

Ouch, that sounds painful. I really don't think she's being ungrateful people, it's just that the awesomely romantic (and sweet) moment was ruined just a tad. I'm sure you'll be laughing about this later on. It had to have made for a memorable birthday night. At least the next time he does something like this he'll know to pluck the petals or at least cut the stems!

Marge is that you? You married Homer so YDI lol