By igiveup - 21/12/2012 03:31 - Australia - Sydney
Same thing different taste
Mr Nice Guy
By Anonymous - 23/01/2021 01:02 - United States - Minneapolis
By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 20:00 - Canada
Brain worms
By JaneSimple - 16/08/2020 14:02
How can I make this about me?
By Anonymous - 04/02/2022 18:01
By Anonymous - 28/11/2020 02:02
Baby brain
By Mike - 16/09/2020 09:02 - Bulgaria - Sofia
Nice try
By forgottenbday - 11/07/2012 05:09 - United States - Canoga Park
By torny>horny - 10/04/2011 04:42 - United States
By TLT - 16/11/2009 18:12 - United States
By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States
Top comments
Let the woman-scorned-fury loose!
Ah what can you say : shit happens...
Should have married her instead.
This is the future of "It's really windy out" guy. You shouldn't have kept pushing for marriage! Anyway, at least the world didn't end, so that's all good.
You don't even know if she pushed for marriage
21 HUrrrrrrrr DUrrrrrrrrrrrr. Read Moar
the world may not be ending, but mine wi without you, marry me? thats what I would do to be romantic
Why does it always seem like guys forget important dates? Either guys care less about dates, or when the girls forget, guys don't complain about it. Just wondering
Guys care less about dates. We love you every day. Or we're assholes. Sometimes both.
For some reason important dates mean something to us women. It's not just 'special' dates either; we remember the date of the last time we bought something stupid, like a fork for example, and if you don't celebrate that fork coming into our life it's the end of the world and you hate us. The only reason I would be able to explain our crazy habits is we have a ****** and we are psychotic. So to all the guys that's ever had to go through accidentally forgetting an important date I'm sorry on behalf of all crazy women.
I remember a bunch of mindless dates too. Even the date I got my period for the first time. 7/7 I shall buy myself a mini-cake to celebrate the milestone. It's funny how some guys don't seem to remember anniversaries but can remember, in fine details sporting events with players, scores, stats etc...
If it's any consolation, not all women care or remember important dates. I can barely remember my own anniversary, let alone the birthdays of those around me. I lived with my parents for almost 20 years and still can't even remember what month they were born in. :O
Since he's forgetful you should remind him by telling him you are going out with the daughter who remembered your anniversary and leaving him home to watch the little one.
Maybe he's planing something for you both. Give him another chance. It's not always easy for men to remember every occasion. Be positive.....if he doesn't remember Kill him.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Makes me think of my dad. Every year I act as the human calendar because he can't remember his kids birthdays, his parents birthdays, his anniversary or -- and this was a mean feat! -- his own age this year!
Women usually are more romantic. Take heart in the fact that you're raising her to be sensitive to others.
Well at least you raised a sweet and caring daughter. Happy anniversary!
This probably has nothing to do with him not being romantic and thoughtful. He could be all these things, while being very unlucky with having a really bad memory. I know I do... :(

This is the future of "It's really windy out" guy. You shouldn't have kept pushing for marriage! Anyway, at least the world didn't end, so that's all good.
Since he's forgetful you should remind him by telling him you are going out with the daughter who remembered your anniversary and leaving him home to watch the little one.