By Late marriage - 24/08/2017 14:00 - Australia

Today, my husband was 45 minutes late to our wedding reception. Later, when I asked him why, he said, "I was playing Legend of Zelda and had to finish my quest." He thinks this is an eligible excuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 049
You deserved it 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he certainly found the Triforce of Courage. The Triforce of Wisdom, on the other hand, not so much.

marina1996 5

that was a cluster **** of spelling errors good god.



At least he wasn't late to the ceremony, making you wait at the altar thinking he's abandoned you. So you had to wait a bit to eat, drink and dance- so what? You still got to do all of those things. Life doesn't run on a perfect schedule and you can't control others. Yeh his excuse is a bit immature but it's not as immature as publicly bitching about your now-spouse.

If it was breath of the wild then I gotta agree with him.

Wait. Isn't the reception usually held right after the wedding? Do you got married and then he went home to play video games????