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The Little Sperm That Could

By Anonymous - 24/08/2017 16:00

Today, I found out I'm three weeks pregnant with a guy I've been dating for a month. I'm on the pill and we even used a condom. This baby must be some kind of superhuman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 827
You deserved it 917

Same thing different taste

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What the **** does that have to do with anything? Yes, I know you're just being a judgemental, puritan prick, but I'd love to hear you try and explain why people deserve to have their lives ruined because they ****** their partner before you decided it's okay.

This is literally my worst nightmare holy crap


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HalfLit 17

Hey, unplanned kids are always the coolest ones lol.

Rammer3500 23

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What the **** does that have to do with anything? Yes, I know you're just being a judgemental, puritan prick, but I'd love to hear you try and explain why people deserve to have their lives ruined because they ****** their partner before you decided it's okay.

neversurrender96 11

Yes because we are in the Middle Ages where sex and reproduction are one in the same. Quick! banish that woman to the woods she is having her period...


I can't. The Center needs to be at least... Three times as big before I can fit inside it.

Well, I'll be damned! How dare she give in to her completely natural biological urges that hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have built into us for the survival of our species. And was still careful enough to use 2 methods of contraception. Damn her to hell! She can come party with me and Jimi Hendrix down there, we'll have a great time!


unfortunately that's pretty normal nowdays ?

Unfortunately? And no, not nowadays. Heard of the sexual revolution of the swinging 60's? Our parents and grandparents were a lot more loose than they'd have you believe, until the right wring again suppressed us and forced their guilt from a religion that we didn't all believe in or subscribe to. Living in a time of guilt free acid, **** out, love and rock n roll kinda sounds neato compared to the cheeto orange fundamentalist ruining all of our fun and rights again! (I'm not even American but he's inspired them to get back on their soap boxes in my country too..) Sorry for the spicy rant, but I get sick of seeing women get belittled on here all the time for simply having sex, by jealous men who would if they could get any.

This is literally my worst nightmare holy crap

EnvyMe33 26

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Eh sounds like a RomCom. But it's okay, you have to think and process what you are going to do now. It's never the right time to have a kid but if you want it (or don't ) it's your choice. Best of luck

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Why have so many people used the laughing reaction face? I honestly don't understand what's supposed to be funny about an accidental pregnancy, when the OP clearly doesn't want a child at this point in her life.

I don't know why the others choose it, but I did becauce of the last sentence.

Although very rare this CAN happen! No contraception is 100% effective and a woman can get pregnant even on the pill and with the use of a condom. You still have options if you do not want this baby. It's not too late at three weeks (depending on where you live of course) but I can understand this is a very difficult situation.

On the pill yes, but a condom? unless someone made tiny holes in it you must have realised it broke. Its a condom a physical barrier. The only reason its not 100% is because of user error

Suaria 38

The pill is less effective if you don't take it around the same time everyday. It's possible the OP may have forgotten to take the pill one day or was a couple of hours late. She also may have started birth control when they started dating and it takes a month for bc pills to be effective. It's also possible that the condom broke or had tiny holes in it. It's very rare but it's still possible to get pregnant from two forms of birth control.

Sue the people who create the pill and sue the condom company