By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 13:25 - United States - Elk Grove

Today, my idiot horse decided to grab a mouthful of stinging nettles while I was riding him. He panicked at the burning sensation in his mouth and bucked me off. Don't worry, though, my fall was cushioned, by the nettles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 500
You deserved it 5 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why I always steer clear of extreme sports such as horse riding.

Damian95 16

Sounds like a pain in the ass.


Well that is a pain in your ass for sure. F both of your lives.

Wizzlbang 10

It's a refreshing fountain for your butt

Has no one said yet that youre not supposed to let the horse graze while youre riding?

I hope someone explained to you what kind of injury can happen to your horse if you let it put its head down with a tight girth

That's what you get when you let your horse eat when you are riding I hope you work on that Your horse needs to know work time is NOT EAT TIME and you will have a much better horse and more fun riding now Cowboy Up and get back in the saddle have fun and be safe

Hope your okay OP! My horse tossed me on the side of the road once! Not a fun experience. They all have there own reasons for doing it lol I just wish they would warn us first :P

amazinghorseback 4

I hope you and your horse are okay how is his mouth? I have riden for 9 years and 2 years ago i was taking out a horse and she had a heart attack and fell of down while I was on her and she had a seized with a western saddle but I hope u are ok

fakkumairaifu 14

This is why I LOVE horses! They're such intelligent and even-tempered creatures! YDI.

They share the brain power of tropical fish you know. And that's a fact.

My horse can be like that too hahahaha

This reminds me of the horse from Family Guy that caused all sorts of destruction.