By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 13:25 - United States - Elk Grove

Today, my idiot horse decided to grab a mouthful of stinging nettles while I was riding him. He panicked at the burning sensation in his mouth and bucked me off. Don't worry, though, my fall was cushioned, by the nettles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 507
You deserved it 5 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why I always steer clear of extreme sports such as horse riding.

Damian95 16

Sounds like a pain in the ass.


Buck up, champ. He already looks like an ass, no need to embarrass him further by calling him stupid.

StupidBunnies 10

Speaking from experiance, any fall off a horse sucks... But that one really takes the cake. FYL. I hope you feel better!

This is the best FML to read while at a horse show haha

NagainaFier 16

On the bright side, 16, your horse show is in an arena, not an open field with evil, evil horse eating plants!

Haha Thats true! :) I do eventing though so we do gallop out in fields! Haha Plants have scared many a horse out there!

I think I know why the horse did that. Next time refer to Sarah Jessica Parker as a "she" not "he". Rude.

Salad Fingers would have enjoyed that

best response i could have thought up honestly this was the first thing i thought of lmao

Ahh, it's so hard for us horse(wo)men. Hope the fall didn't hurt too bad!

Hey, if you're rich enough to own a ******* horse then you're not allowed to complain.

You don't have to be rich to own a horse.

I don't own a horse, and I'm not really complaining.

Really? The animals themselves cost a ton, stables are expensive to either build, buy or rent,l. Grooming, food and cleaning out all cost money. Only either extremely dedicated people or high-society rich kids have horses.

I'm not rich, and I have a horse. A stable is not needed. All you need is some kind of shelter for the horse to get out of the rain. Grooming does not cost any money besides the few bucks it costs to buy the brushes. You do it yourself. I admit feed and the occasional vet bills do get pricey at times, but it does not require you to be rich to do it.

Grow up!! You don't have to be rich, you use have to budget. You're sadly mistaken if you think that only high society can afford a horse. The idiot at the end of the street with the crap car that's jacked up with all kinds if chrome and expensive sound system could probably afford a horse. We choose to spend our money on our animals. You probably choose to spend yours on lessons teaching you how to be an idiot and a jerk.

I hope your okay OP. Hopefully you get better soon and It's not a pain in the ass. Literally

dhaxor 9

A very common plant over most of the US that has tiny little needle like fibers that dig into your skin and make you itch terribly. The nettles we have here look like giant, fuzzy cabbages that someone peeled open so that the leaves lay flat. They itch and burn something nasty too.

If you honestly don't know what something such as "nettles" are, instead of posting a comment that makes you sound rather unintelligent, you should probably just go google it like a normal person... I mean you're commenting on this so I can only assume you have internet access.

NagainaFier 16

The horse reacted exactly as his instincts dictated him to respond to a 'threat', and he deserves to be shot? While I'm not saying OP deserves it, if your riding outside, you need to make sure your horse isn't eating anything, because clearly this can possibly be an end result

That's why when training horses, or riding them properly, one is not supposed to allow their horse to eat anything unless at a resting point. It spoils the horse and can cause bad habits that can result in situations such as this one.

Sometimes the horse just does things like reaching for something. Once the horse decides this, there's very little the rider can do to prevent it. No amount of training can change the fact that the horse is a lot stronger than the rider.