By Anonymous - 06/12/2010 22:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my little brother found the singing Santa Claus from last year, and it still works. I'm now going to be hearing nothing but "We WISH you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!" for the next 20 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 672
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Batteries, just take the batteries out and have them mysteriously disappear (and any others in the house). Or get into the spirit of things and sing along with it. :P

My recommendation is that when he's not around take the batteries out of it and hide them. That or snip one of the connecting wires so that it just doesn't work. Even if your parent's found out and were mad it still seems like it would be better than being driven into a murderous rage by a singing Santa.


There's an easy soultion to this. Since your older you stay up later so just sneak in and get the toy or whatever it is and smash it to bits :)

winterforever97 30

Oh my, I used to have a large Santa doll where you pushed a button and it sang Jingle Bells, It was so annoying! It was broken and it was playing Jingle Bells for days