By stuckwithafamilyofcunts - 27/04/2013 20:23 - Spain - El Puig

Today, my little brother gave me an open jar of peanut butter for my birthday. I'm deathly allergic, and he knows it. Despite his maniacal grin and snickering, my parents said it was an innocent mistake, and grounded me for yelling at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 658
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think, another few years and he'll progress to cutting your brake line....

Unless your brother is like, 2, your parents need a serious reality check on life...


Corgidan 12

I say you clear his shit-eating grin off with a wrench.

Violord 13

There are people in this world that some people would toss off a bridge without a second thought.

thatnewgirl 16

sounds like what my mom would do. I asked my brothers o use a fork and he punched me in the face and my mom said it was my fault so I got grounded.

I'm all for making people take iq tests before they become parents.