By Anonymous - 16/02/2011 05:14 - United States
Same thing different taste
By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States
By JessMelodique - 14/12/2016 03:01
By asthmattack - 25/01/2013 06:30 - Australia - Mona Vale
By pikachu_43 - 21/03/2015 15:14 - United States - San Francisco
By peanutprobs - 31/10/2014 21:12 - Germany - Bochum
Close shave
By Anonymous - 28/08/2019 02:00 - United States - Bisbee
By djshahso - 26/02/2010 00:14 - United States
By Allergic - 24/01/2012 17:31 - United States
Close call
By MC - 14/05/2009 14:11 - Canada
By phlyingphuck - 19/07/2009 15:12 - United States
Top comments
sounds like you might need a bubble.
1 - Use inhaler 2 - Use epi-pen
3. ???? 4. Profit.
it was a win-win
@#44 the inhaler won't have any effect then.
Your picture makes it better!
Why would there be peanut butter on it? YDI for not looking after your things and making sure that they are clean.
someone was playing a prank maybe? a really mean prank.
yeah that's how you kill someone that's messed up
sounds like job security to me...
That's like stealing a disabled person's wheelchair.
Clearly someone is trying to kill the OP.
Uh, why exactly would your inhaler be placed anywhere near peanuts butter then? Most households with severe nut allergies dont even keep nuts in the house.
I disagree, I'm allergic to nuts, wheat, lactose, milk protein, washing powder, and quite a few other things. we still have all these items in out house. my family are just smart enough to make sure I don't ingest/ come in contact with any of those items. even my 4yr old knows mummy can't eat nuttella or peanut butter and he even knows how to use my epi-pen.
16, you could post that as it's own FML!
Guys I think someone put it as a "prank" or something...more info please OP?
I think someone wants op dead and will stop at nothing to make it happen!!
Let's play a game...
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYou are...stupid
If OP was extremely allergic to peanut butter, I don't think he/she would have any around him/her. Obviously it wasn't OP that put the peanut butter on his/her inhaler ...
Common sense is so rare these days that it should be classified as a super power.
I have that poster, too.
Indeed it should be; you are proof of that.
Omugoodness you guys, don't you see?! SOMEONE else who knows of the peanut allergy spread it on OP's inhaler, so that they either get sick from the peanut butter or suffocate from an asthma attack. That's so sad that someone's ACTUALLY trying to kill you, that's no joke man. Watch yer back!
Yup, I agree with you. Watch your back OP!
I don't understand why people don't take care of the important things. I have three inhalers: for the house, purse, and car. They never get completely empty and they are not near any substances I'm allergic to. Even if someone else intentionally put peanut butter on your inhaler, YDI for not keeping better track of it. Enjoy your hospital trip and find out who wants you dead. It's so odd to have peanut butter in a house/flat/whatever when someone has a serious allergy.
Yes, because we all know that it's impossible to remove something from a drawer in a person's room or from off their night table and smear peanut butter on it while they are sleeping as part of some cruel joke. This could only be the result of the OP's negligence and them keeping the inhaler near something they were allergic to.
#12 you as well lack intelligence fyl
Who's the sick bastard who planted Peanut Butter on your inhaler? I've said it before and I'll say it again and again. I will never understand people who pull such harmful pranks. They're not even funny!!!
I know right? One of the previous posts regarding common sense, this applies here too! One of my dumbass friends thought it would be funny to abuse my severe dairy allergy, by switching my soy milk (on purpose to see what would happen) with full cream dairy. Luckily I can tell the difference just by looking at it. I don't think people realise that they can be charged with assault and/or battery if they do this.

Omugoodness you guys, don't you see?! SOMEONE else who knows of the peanut allergy spread it on OP's inhaler, so that they either get sick from the peanut butter or suffocate from an asthma attack. That's so sad that someone's ACTUALLY trying to kill you, that's no joke man. Watch yer back!
sounds like you might need a bubble.