By Anonymous - 13/10/2017 01:30

Today, I met my favourite singer, but when she signed my CD, the marker was out of ink. By the time I realised there was no signature, she was already gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 168
You deserved it 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rookie move always bring a brand new marker if you want to get something signed

You met your favorite singer! That should be the thrill! Are you ever going to forget that? I met Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, and he signed my tennis racquet (long story) with a Sharpie. It eventually rubbed off, but guess what, I met friggin’ Scott Adams!!!


Rookie move always bring a brand new marker if you want to get something signed

Agreed! To be on the safe side, it is better to bring two. Test them out before you leave the house.

it's just an autograph. if you stood in line for an hour to spend twenty seconds with them, you deserved it for wasting your time in line instead of enjoying the experience. if you ran into them outside of a concert environment you deserved for being a douche and bugging them with your celebrity worship. and either way you need to forget about autographs, and start living

You met your favorite singer! That should be the thrill! Are you ever going to forget that? I met Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, and he signed my tennis racquet (long story) with a Sharpie. It eventually rubbed off, but guess what, I met friggin’ Scott Adams!!!

Don't worry I'm sure Celine Dion will be back so you can get your titanic CD signed again

I know it sucks, but hey, there's every chance you may run into Rebecca Black again at some point.

Aww. Was it a planned meeting? Was it your marker or hers? If it was yours, next time give the marker a test scrawl before you ask someone to use it.

FYL if the marker was hers. YDI if the marker was yours.