By Laptop - 25/05/2010 04:44 - France

Today, my little sister tripped when trying to walk up the stairs with a sandwich in one hand and my laptop in the other. She choose to save her sandwich instead of my £500 laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 724
You deserved it 3 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's the reason why you don't let little brothers and sisters touch your stuff if nobody is watching them.

LexxyLiime 0


well i don't think that's the case. a laptop is significantly heavier than a sandwich. especially with one hand, tripping on stairs with a laptop in one hand might cause some droppage. I can't say you deserve it. but its not your fault or hers. no one is in the wrong here. If anything she shouldn't carry a laptop with one hand. But that's about it

You would have done the same in her position. It's was HER sandwich and someone else's laptop