By Anonymous - 08/10/2009 03:22 - United States

Today, my little sister was playing with her building blocks. All of a sudden, she began to cry and held her finger out to me. Assuming she had hurt it, I kissed it better, and tasted something odd on my lips. Turns out she wasn't hurt, she was crying because she had touched cat vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 808
You deserved it 9 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fuk_My_Life 0

Ur gonna get herpes if you dont look before you kiss

ewwwwwwwwie gross..didnt u sense that there was something on her finger ?


bi_chick 0

apparently she did, since she stuck her finger out and started crying. . . I'm assuming she was uncomfortable with the vomit on her finger.

jack185868 0

that sucks. you should have asked what was wrong first.

triplethreat13 0

Gross. That's worse than licking glue off the table when I thought it was yogurt. I was 5, ok? Haha anyway, this is REALLY funny though, honestly!

Cardinal Rule # 87 of children: NEVER under ANY circumstances kiss ANYTHING unless you know where it has been for the previous 15 minutes!!! NEVER!!! Now, I hope you've learned your lesson! Go brush your teeth and wash your face. You'll live. But people may call you "Stinky" from now on. Go.


wtf ?! why are people saying this girl deserved it ?! she thought her little sister was crying in pain and kissed her finger so her sister would stop crying and fell better ! wtf is wrong with that ?! people just love pressing the " you deserve it button " im pretty sure alot of you when you were a kid had some " boo boo's " and had your mom or someone kiss it better to make YOUU feel better ! thats what she did ! she could have been aa bitch of a sister and laughed but she tried to make her sisterr feel better . somee stupid ass, ass wholee NUMBER##46 said she desrves it for having a cat ! dumb ass douche no she doesnt . wtf is your problem ! everyone has pets and pets likee people throw up . so are you not going to havee a pet ?! the little girl deserves it kind of for touching the vomitt, or having her hand in the way IFF she could see the cat wasnt feeling good ( if shes likee 2-3 ITDOESNTCOUNT ) but to the person who wrote this its nasty :( lmao poor you . TO THE ASS HOLES who click you deserve itt YOURDOUCHES !! >;P

comment #50 -shut the **** up please.. i cant believe ur getting so ******* emotional over that shit. lmao!! apparently #46 had there own opinion on the situation and so do u but damnnnnnnnn just shut up, k ? cooooooool


#52 you shut thee **** upp i can see say w|e the fuckk ii wantt. ihmm not getting emotional over this. just because i use the cap lock button to make it look angery doesnt mean in real lifee ihmm gettiing red facee, getting madd. no im not. it just annoys me when stupid people say YDI for stupid reasons. likee really YDI for having a cat? thats stupid. you act likee i was really getting mad. like after i wrote this i went to bed and cryiedd D": hahha NOO im just expressing my opinon. it may look angry b|c i wrote in caps and put ?! but i bet if i didnt include those things yoou wouldnt be telling me to calm the **** downn. ass hole you calm the fuckk downnn. i can express myself if i want :) so you SHUTTHEFUCKUPYOUDOUCH >:O oh opps ii used capss ihmm getting too " emotional " ii gotta go cryy now :( lmao

lmaooo i bet u are loserrrrrr hahahhahaah GO CRY.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

#59: "whateva i do what i want"