By Username - 13/02/2012 21:31 - India

Today, my misanthropic malcontent of a son smashed my air freshener and turned my faulty lava lamp on in a twisted act of rebellion. The bottom of the lamp broke and got wax everywhere. My room now smells like cinnamon, with a hint of freshly embalmed corpse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 914
You deserved it 4 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

Cinnamon and corpse! Aaah! The wonderful scent! My favorite! :)


Chop him in the throat and ouch him in the stomach.

Another person failed at parenting. You should have your child taken away. Thanks for reading.

The kid hating the human race is an example of bad parenting?

acrilan 0

Uhhhh kick his ass outa there and not post it on fml oh and put the smell onna napkin make him pass out when he wakes up beat him with the air freshner and kill him with the broken glass of the lava lamp!


Wow I feel like I just read the next big novel. Please continue, I like it so far :)

I love your wording of this FML. As for you destructive little bastard of a son; I may suggest smashing what's left of that lava lamp over his head. That will give you a few hours of peace.

Your are educated beyond your intelligence...stop being a bitch and embrace your son.

"Your are"? You got bored with using "your" as a placement for "you're" so you decided to use "your are"? What a whole new level of stupidity...

yeah... so how do you know what freshly embalmed corpse smells like in the first place?

ThecomingofTan 9

You should bottle that smell and sell it as a Cologne or Perfume, I would buy it off of you. Those Orphans downtown are starting to figure out what Chloroform smells like. Help a brotha out, dawg.

Excuse me, but what is wrong with your son? O_o