This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By surfdown - 16/12/2008 05:20 - France

Today, my mistress called my wife on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 140
You deserved it 131 452

Top comments

popcorn_fml 0

im with most of the people here. that you deserve NO SYMPATHY.

flyintonite 0

My cousin's husband cheated on her and she left him. Cheaters don't get 2nd chances dude, don't expect us to feel bad for you.


F YOUR life?? What about f everyone elses lives because of you, douchebag? -.-

They wanted to meet up and talk about your sorry excuse of a penis

mlenglish 4

You are a horrible person an I hope both of the women in your life leave you

rachie434 8

You shouldn't cheat on your wife karma bit u hard

A relationship isn't a test, so why cheat ?

CammyGal 26

If you weren't a cheating bastard, you wouldn't have this problem. Douchebag.

rampersaud 10

You, are an example of the people who make me sick. YDI.

Oh well i would have called u an ass hole but your from france

If he learned something he wouldn't cheat again! What wring with you!?!!