By Anonymous - 22/12/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, my mom and I had to shovel our driveway after an epic snowstorm that left us with 22 inches of snow. We only needed to dig out my mom's car and not mine. After we did all that work and shoveled all the snow onto the side where my car was we found out my mom had a flat tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 970
You deserved it 3 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you can shovel driveways, dig out cars, but not change a tire?'s 4 or 5 bolts, and all the shit is in your trunk...

I'll bet you felt rather deflated after all of that.


Oh no, 22 inches of snow, that's sooo much! </sarcasm>

the_stereotype 0

why are there so many douchebags on here? it snowed 22 inches in a place where people are not really that used to getting snow. last year, it didn't snow at all except for one day in march when it snowed 6 inches at most, and that seemed like a lot. this time it's nearly two feet, and people don't know how to deal with it. i mean, really. think about it, if you spent working on something and then think you're finished only to find that you either have to spend even more time either replacing the tire (which not have been easy to get to in the snow) or digging out the car you just buried. in va, 22 inches is more than a lot.

A 22-inch snowstorm wouldn't even be "epic" in Hawaii. If you're measuring the snow in inches, you don't understand what real snow is. And she had a flat tire... so change the tire. What's the problem?

How do you measure it? Ounces? Gallons? Cubits?

scottexplosion 0

I've never heard anyone measure snow in something other than inches, outside of America. Unless they're saying "about a foot" or "about two feet" of snow. Although really, they'll usually clarify with inches.

fmyalarmclock 0 How do you measure how much snow has fallen and how would 22 inches of snow not "even be epic in Hawaii?"

scottexplosion 0

They have mountains you can ski on, so I guess MAYBE up there it wouldn't be considered so much. I totally don't buy that it "wouldn't even be epic" anywhere else.

wait, what? of course they measure in other units than inches outside of america!!! I don't know if you realized, but America is pretty much the only country in the world that actually uses inches, the rest of the world uses the metric system, and therefore measures snow in centimeters. :) also, most of the people who live where the snowstorm hit are not used to several feet of snow, shoveling several feet of snow, or have big enough snow shovels to handle that much snow easily.

Wow, some people are dumb. Oh and "lifeinhd"? The metric system measures snow in centimeters (cm). Not gallons!

scottexplosion 0

I think they were referring to the "If you're measuring the snow in inches, you don't understand what real snow is.", which seems to imply that people who measure snow in centimeters get more of it? Which isn't true, really.

Obviously, Campbell, you miss the sarcasm of my post. He obviously means that the depth of "real snow" is measured using something bigger, such as feet, yards, meters, furlongs, miles, whatever.

beautiful_heart 0

yeah, i lve in VA too and i got snowed into a house that wasnt even mine... got stuck there for 3 days cuz no one could drive in the weather. sucked.

scottexplosion 0

Wait, can someone please explain to me how 22" of snow isn't that much? I mean, I live in Minneapolis, MN, where we get plenty of snow, and even here, 22" is no small amount. I'm not saying it's unmanageable, but it's not nothing. Like, is there confusion that 22" means from the ground up, all over? Not 22 square inches of a little snow or something?

22 inches is rlyy nothingg gosh stop complaning

Umm....22 inches isn't epic...I live in Colorado. :/

i was in that storm too. hella crazy! don't listen to any of these other jerks who just talk to talk

hah! i love how Americans bug us Canadian for being too cold & living in igloos. I don't even remember what snow looks like!!!