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By brokewithnocar - 21/01/2017 20:00

Today, my mom changed her mind about driving me to a job interview because she wants to attend a meeting at a church she told me she'd never go back to, full of people she hates. I can't drive because she refuses to teach me how. There's no public transportation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 933
You deserved it 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the church meeting and tell the people what your mom says about them. They'll run her out on a rail and she'll be free to drive you to your interview.

The power of Christ compels you... from going to that job interview


Taxi? Expensive, perhaps, but may be worth it

Go to the church meeting and tell the people what your mom says about them. They'll run her out on a rail and she'll be free to drive you to your interview.

The power of Christ compels you... from going to that job interview

jcash52426 5

Your mom said she would drive you to your job interview. You should have asked her to pay for a cab ride. Unless she gave you enough time to find someone else to give you a ride.

You're better off letting Jesus take the wheel.

So what were your plans about getting there if you got the job?

Jobs and job interviews are not always at the same place.

I thought this too. If the car was broken, she was out of town, unwell or not at home, would OP have to call in and say they can't make it because their mother won't drive them? That sounds unreliable to me and could really hinder their chances in getting the job in the first place.

my2centsworth 15

I do believe that your mom should have fulfilled her obligation to drive you to the interview but I wonder how you planned on getting back and forth to work if she's so unreliable?

Exactly what I came to the comments section to say!

Take a driving class instead it's going to run u around $300 but at least u will be able to drive.

ChopSuey444 20

Yeah but drive what? No job = no car and no car = no job. The best thing they can do is get a job in walking/biking distance.

most driving schools require you to have driven around 15 hours before they let you drive with them.

shannon.elizabeth 13

no they don't. its a drive school, they teach you to drive and most everyone there has never driven before in my class. ive never heard of one asking students to have experience before enrolling even then you just lie duh

Weird how the username says they're broke, yet people keep suggesting expensive solutions like a taxi or driving lessons.