By Anonymous - 22/03/2015 09:52 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my mom got drunk and started crying at my after-wedding party, after promising she'd behave herself. She thinks my husband is an awful person who'll drag me into a life of sin, all because he has a tattoo and an ear piercing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 082
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So much hate against tattoos and piercings like it somehow represents who the person is on the inside. Horrible.

don't listen to her, she obviously doesn't make great decisions herself.


Why are people so prejudiced against tattoos and piercings?

Unless its an offensive tattoo, I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with it. I've never been a fan of piercings myself, but hey its your body knock yourself out.

This needs a follow up as to what type of tattoo ops husband has. While I'm sure ops mom is being dramatic I would really like to know what kind of tattoo this person has?

we do tend to have that effect on people

danceinconverse 25

I usually hate the optimistic people in the comments, but you did say wedding after-party so at least she didn't ruin your actual wedding...

I must be a demon then. Shitty how some people still view tattoos and piercings this way.

And we have found that some people who post here are just as closed-minded as the mother. Sad state of the world. Just sayin'

Bizarre_420 7

Your mom seems like a very stupid closed minded person.

Well technically if you live in Nevada you are already going to hell so whatever ;)

xxungatofrioxx 5

according to the bible drunkenness is a sin...hypocrisy ftw!

stewpididiot 11

she's right, ya