By Anonymous - 22/03/2015 09:52 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my mom got drunk and started crying at my after-wedding party, after promising she'd behave herself. She thinks my husband is an awful person who'll drag me into a life of sin, all because he has a tattoo and an ear piercing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 082
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So much hate against tattoos and piercings like it somehow represents who the person is on the inside. Horrible.

don't listen to her, she obviously doesn't make great decisions herself.


Religion: teaching believers that people not like them are bad since pretty much forever.

Not just religion. Humans in general.

That and a lot of people are just generally stupid.

I despise atheists like you who take any ******* occasion to spit on things you don't have and consequently don't understand: faith, religion... So please be quiet. Besides. this fml has more to do with narrowmindness and stereotypes than religion.

The most judgemental people most times are religious people.

Don't have and don't understand? I'm atheist and grew up with religion, in a Christian household, and I'm sure the majority of atheists grew up with religion as well. In fact, atheism itself emerged in pretty much the same way on a larger scale, in a world full of religion. And I can assure you, the reason most atheists ARE atheists is because they DO understand religion. Most religious stories are taken from older myths, folktales and religious stories, or have the same or similar underlying themes with new or different characters and settings.

Also, he never said he was atheist. I've seen quite a few of the more tolerating, lax religious folk take cracks at the more judgmental, uptight religious folk.

rocker_chick23 27

#27: Your bible is clear on not judging people. I see you missed that part, or are you the typical "Christian" who cherry picks the bible?

She believes that he's dragging her into a life of sin. Sin is a religious concept. Therefore, the mother is religious you narrow minded *******.

Guys, there's no need to dump on other people's beliefs or religions. The mom was a drunk idiot, that we can all agree on. Let's leave the religion side out of it. Whether she's religious or not, she shouldn't have gotten wasted and said those things. Op: Sounds like she needs AA if you had to make her "promise" not to get drunk on this important day and she still did.

You should never judge a book by it's cover.

If i see a book labeled oxford dictionary or sex for dummies, i most certainly will be judging it by its cover.. Just saying

Enjoy your awesome life of sin with your Husband and ignore your Mother. She's probably jealous of how happy you are. (:

Although it's a bit extreme and very stereotypical, atleast she cares.

If she cared she would take her daughters feelings into account and not blurt hurtful stuff out in front of everyone.

rocker_chick23 27

How is getting drunk and being a bitch showing that she cares? It shows she doesn't care about OP at all.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Says the one who got drunk...!

Well I guess that makes me an awful person as well

So she's judging him, while getting publicly intoxicated and making a fool of herself. Parents are the best, right?

amileah13 26

Don't listen to her, she must be upset because deep down inside she knows you'll probably have a better life than hers. Good luck with her op