By SystemofaBlink41 - 29/09/2014 04:31 - Puerto Rico - Caguas

Today, my mom got genuinely angry at me because I refused to let her pop a zit that I had "promised" she could pop a few days back. She said with utmost look of disappointment that I'm "not a man of my word". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 344
You deserved it 5 760

SystemofaBlink41 tells us more.

SystemofaBlink41 27

No, but I'm not giving her any ideas...

Top comments

well to be fair... you didn't keep your word...

Someone seemed a little too keen to touch that thing.


Put a bandaid on it or she may try to pop it when you are asleep. But you shouldn't pop them

cryssycakesx3 22

Yeah however that should hopefully wake up OP

I would be just as dissapointed as her. You don't mess with promised zits :(

Sounds like my mom. She'd usually do it on her brothers because they have a lot of acne.

fyl, your mother doesn't seem to have much for here if that is like a highlight of her week. perhaps give her a puppy to watch.

It's entirely your fault. I mean, why on earth did you not keep your promise??

Your mom is going somewhere, not shopping but somewhere...

This fml has concluded into some really disgusting comments

Agreed. I am surprised and deeply concerned that so many people are commenting that their parents do the same. I mean, it's still a bit gross, but I get popping your own. But popping someone else's ? How is that even a thing?! Just thinking about someone else's spots makes me feel grossed out...

Maccaroney 11
mattmsk005 8

Wow fyl. This may be the most fml worthy post I've seen a year.