By SystemofaBlink41 - 29/09/2014 04:31 - Puerto Rico - Caguas

Today, my mom got genuinely angry at me because I refused to let her pop a zit that I had "promised" she could pop a few days back. She said with utmost look of disappointment that I'm "not a man of my word". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 344
You deserved it 5 760

SystemofaBlink41 tells us more.

SystemofaBlink41 27

No, but I'm not giving her any ideas...

Top comments

well to be fair... you didn't keep your word...

Someone seemed a little too keen to touch that thing.


So I'm just learning this now, people pop other peoples zits?? That's beyond disgusting. It's nasty enough ******* with your own acne!

Don't be a boil and let her pop thy zit.

stewpididiot 11

If its the big one between your ears ... Run fast... Run far...

I know how she feels, I always ask my bf to pop his because when I see em it's like they talk to me and ask me to pop em lol

Why on EARTH would you agree to that in the first place. YDI

Do all moms do this cause mine does it too! I try to run away when she's on the zit popping rampage. I don't have a lot but when she finds one it's like she just looks for them!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Hey, OP here! Just here to say that the zit's still going strong! Not really, I just commented to get the follow-up badge... Anyways, it's oddly comforting to know that I'm not the only one with a zit-obsessed mom!