By nightbirdblue - 31/05/2013 18:00 - United States
nightbirdblue tells us more.
I know. I tried to explain, but that got me screamed at. My mom accused me of acting like the parent and cussed me out.
Top comments
we have to have this rule because we're so skint :/ however we do wash our hands; we're not that minging
Use lots of hand sanitizer/febreze?
That's very unhygienic. She'll be wasting more /on/ medical bills if she keeps this up.
That's a bit of an understatement, isn't it?
Hell yeah it is. Is this better? Eeeeewwwwwwww
Germs help build stronger immunities. Eat up and drink to good health. ;)
There's building up an immune system, and then there are completely unhygienic practices such as this. You can't even remotely compare the two as similar.
Ebola? Unless she's in Africa eating raw monkey meat that's not gonna happen.
200 monkeys were killed stopping an outbreak in the 80's or 90's.
Ebola is suspected to be harbored by bats in an area in africa. They have yet to find the natural resevoir. Plus, spread of Ebola is by contact with an actively infected person, so the fever and generally the starting of or active degredation of the body. Or exposure to the natural resevoir by bite, fecal matter etc. Plague can be spread by fact (sorry microbiology major...virus and pathogenic bacteria love here). The OP, risks E.Coli from fecal matter on her moms hands when she prepares food. And a stinky stinky house. Have you ever smelled pee when it sits in the toilet for awhile? ew!
They all risk E.Coli from their food anyway, unless they only buy organic, free run, humanely killed meat from a local farmer, or they're vegetarian. They're probably more likely to get it now, but the possibility was still always there.
Everything's out to kill us.
I hope you and your sister have been immunized.
Nobodies immuned to stupid.
Mhm, as you've so gracefully demonstrated...
20 - Reading your comment, and, I have to tell you, I feel a little weird. Guys, is stupid contagiou--Lol, ur post sucks, lurn sum gramer, u loser.!!!?!?!!!
35, you just made my day.
I think the fact that your sister touches everyone's faces is just as strange as the "money saving" idea. Either way FYL
Exactly what I was thinking, having a sister that constantly touches your face is a FML all on its own
She loves to touch people's faces because she knows that people don't want their faces touched or at least that's what she whispered to me once.

Your mom is Mr. Krabs?
If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down