By _Tater_Tot_ - 03/04/2015 16:39 - United States - Anniston

Today, my mom let me know that I'll have to spend my entire tax return on replacing my car brakes. The reason I need new brakes is because almost every single time she uses the car, she floors the gas while the parking brake is still on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 403
You deserved it 2 698

_Tater_Tot_ tells us more.

_Tater_Tot_ 20

To answer some responses Im a girl and I don't put the parking brake on, my mom happens to somehow put it on whilst driving and she does not notice the light on the dashboard :/

Top comments

Mom needs to a) let her son keep his tax money that her son is entitled to, and b) mom needs to pay to have the breaks replaced herself . Good luck OP.

huh. with the brakes on you'd think she wouldn't have trouble stopping the habit. sorry, OP!


Make her pay for it it's her fault you have to replace them

First let her know she's responsible. If she doesn't accept this, don't let her drive your car again.

Sneado 20

Looks like mom should be grounded from using the car. Your time has finally come!

You'd think she'd be a better driver

maybe this is stupid... but isn't the parking brake different from the other brakes?... it shouldn't really be a problem unless your other brakes aren't working either.

they are the same the difference is the system being used one is controlled with hydraulics and the other by a cable system

It is a different system, the parking brake shoes operate on the inside of the rear rotor underneath the rotor hat. The normal brakes operate on the rotor disc

I don't know very much about cars, but I once left my emergency brake on (I'm guessing that's the same as a parking brake) and drove on the highway with it on. Getting off the highway my brakes stopped working but releasing the e-brake fixed the problem after I carefully pulled into a gas station.

next time she borrows the car request collateral

usmc_sean 8

Seems like SHE should be spending her whole tax return on YOUR brakes. FYL

hoosiergirl94 31

Tape a sign on the dash stating "Mom, Release The Parking Brake Please". Might allow you to keep next years tax return in your pocket.