By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 00:46 - United States

Today, my mom made me teach my delusional gran web browsing. I barely made it to YouTube before she sneered at me, and told me to "stop pissing about before I smash your face in." Two hours and multiple slaps later, she still doesn't get what a URL is, and I fear for my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 260
You deserved it 3 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol man, I feel ya. Old people say "kids these days" but they don't appreciate our technological savvy-ness!

Old people and modern technology never mix


perdix 29

Just set her home page to the Blue Waffle and leave.

FYLDeep 25

I feel like I should insert some sort of reference to fletching here. Maybe that could be her wallpaper?

perdix 29

Ugh, do you mean felching? Introduce Gran to "Two Girls, One Cup" and your work will be done.

FYLDeep 25

Yeah. My mistake. I don't actively look up that kind of stuff so misspellings happen.

FYLDeep 25

Well this is a granny so maybe it's best to go with the old school and put up Mr. Hands. Besides, this is the modern age, we can load up as many home pages as we want through the power of tabbed browsing.

URL = house address Links = rooms Email = note Pictures = pictures ....u are a retard for not being able to dumb this down enough for ur gran fyl!

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Who said OP didn't do that? I've tried explaining how a desktop works to my mother (desk, folders, files, already a simple enough analogy), but she still doesn't understand that she can move windows, and that they're not lost or gone forever when you minimize them. Their brains are just wired differently, since they did not grow up with technology, so it's tough getting through to them sometimes.

sounds like she'd bend you over o.O fack...

Old timers better get with the program before it's too late! Seriourls though, FYL, cuz she's almost never going to learn.

Dude don't make it complicated. I taught my grandma

And just because you taught your grandma, every grandchild in the world should be able to do it also, and have their grandma learn just as well as yours? Some old people just cannot understand it. There's nothing complicated about it.

No I don't actually thanks for asking. And they think it's too complicated obviously because they don't understand. I just said the top thin box is the thing you put websites in. Say you want to use google put into that bar. I told her how to use good etc etc and she knows the things she needs to kno (basics)

queenb1621 21

Dont fear her, shes gonna be dead soon anyway

varkey 7

Wtf? I would have quit long ago. FYL

It took me a long time to teach my great grandmother so I understand completely

Gran's not going to invest too much time in this new fad though. She's still not convinced television is going to catch on.