By moms a baby - 31/03/2014 02:44 - United States - Loma Linda

Today, my mom stopped playing badminton with me because she claimed I was too aggressive. Apparently winning, playing by the rules, and smashing is considered aggressive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 403
You deserved it 8 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aggressive and badminton... Two words I never thought I would see put together.

ilovemychem 22


If your better, at times its not about the win rather edging the win or loss. Try to balance the game. Make it fun. Or destroy her like you did and play alone. lol.

Smashing is kinda aggressive but it's part of the game! Just go with drop shots and clears, it'll seem less aggressive and she won't be mad at you!