By son - 18/03/2010 11:15 - Israel

Today, my mom told me that she doesn't want me to help any of my friends get a job at the restaurant I work at. Apparently, she thinks that they would do a better job than me and get me fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 243
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste


your mom is win, she is just looking out for you :)

not really an fml, that's good advice, and if I sucked at my job i wouldn't invite friends to apply either.

Maybe it is time you adopted a work ethic.

glasswater 0

Your mom knows you, so maybe this would be a good time to sit back and evaluate why she thinks all of your friends are harder/better workers than you. It sounds like you're lazy or have a poor work ethic. So don't diss your mom for trying to help you. In this case, you need to help yourself. Or don't listen to her an have a nice time being unemployed.

mabye if you didn't suck so bad and worked harder that wouldn't be a problem

jennay8288 1

how is this an FML? never work with friends. period. and you probably stink at your job if your mom as to say this? work harder, its not hard to do a better job at your own job if you know what you're doing.

thejedi08 10

YDI for listening to your mom

a good supportive mom is nice but if you can't get that a devious one is just fine