By Jane M - 25/10/2013 23:20 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my mother came over to visit, and my kids started excitedly telling her Christmas is coming soon. She freaked out, saying Christmas is a "Satanic holiday" and telling them that Santa is going to hell along with everyone who celebrates it. My children are now traumatized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 841
You deserved it 3 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... Santa is going to hell? So, she thinks Santa is real? There's the first sign she's a wacko. Uhh... I mean... SANTA IS REAL, FML KIDS.


I would tell them that grandmas sick and she doesn't know what she is saying and don't trust anything she says.

The OP's mother sounds a lot the a certain, holier than thou Joevah's Witness I'm stuck working with

how's it satanic? CHRISTMAS celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

But Christmas is when Jesus is born, yet she thinks it's satanic !?!?!?!!?

Sorry that happened to you OP but know you aren't the only one with a crazy freaking mom! Mine goes all kinds of crazy of everything including Christmas. Hope it gets better and you can calm your kids down.

Do some research. It is rooted in more pagan influence than Christian influence. In fact, in all likelihood Christ himself would've never approved of the celebrations. But that still doesn't give her the right to disrespect someone else's faith or traditions. There is a way of tactfully declining to partake in celebrations you disagree with.

FeelingIT 10

Ooooh, so sorry OP kids! Being that she's your mother though, weren't you already aware of her beliefs? Sounds like maybe there should have been an adult conversation BEFORE allowing her to discuss Christmas with the little ones.

SkeletonPrincess 6

OP, why does your mom remind me of Margaret White from Carrie?

Your mom is right. Ydi for celebrating a Pagan holiday disguised as the birthday of Jesus. Most biblical scholars agree that Jesus was born in the Summertime.

Well that's a bit off...I think looking up the original meaning would change things...