By Jane M - 25/10/2013 23:20 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my mother came over to visit, and my kids started excitedly telling her Christmas is coming soon. She freaked out, saying Christmas is a "Satanic holiday" and telling them that Santa is going to hell along with everyone who celebrates it. My children are now traumatized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 841
You deserved it 3 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... Santa is going to hell? So, she thinks Santa is real? There's the first sign she's a wacko. Uhh... I mean... SANTA IS REAL, FML KIDS.


well you don't have to send her a Christmas card or buy her a present now. buy all you kids present and label them from her and have her explain that

This sounds almost like something my brother would say because he's a real Scrooge. One year he was driving me back to my apartment with his wife and daughters and we wanted to look at all the houses with Christmas lights but each time we approached one he would race right past them. He would only slow down if we saw a house with no decorations at all. Even when we were kids he never got very excited about the holidays.

im sorry but think your mom has problems poor kids

thegreycat_fml 12

... The stupidity is strong in this one. (referring to your mother OP.)

now..tell them that zombies are really nice creatures and they are gonna protect the world from evil Santa this Christmas

Comeonseriously 8

People like that are one of the many reasons I'm no longer religious... Good luck op

Now you can save money on Christmas presents

The fun thing is that the character Santa Claus was derived from Saint Nicholas, the sacred Bishop of Myra, who lived and died in todays Turkey during the 7th century. But I guess that is part of being religious in general and christian in particular - the notion that YOUR and only your opinion and way of life is true to gods will and that everyone who strays from this path even slightly will is doomed. Makes killing pagans so much easier! Anyway, how can OP not know what kind of religious zealot his/her mother is. I mean they spend quite some years together, how can one not know?

Lizzy500 16

My mom was "born again" after I left the house. She was actually pretty cool when I was growing up. Then she divorced #2 and is back to her cool self again, mostly.

What religion is your mother? Why is she calling Christmas a satanic holiday? (well, it is completely stolen from pagan winter solstice celebrations...)

RedPillSucks 31

A lot of religions christians associate paganism with satanism. Not saying it's right, but there it is...