By Jane M - 25/10/2013 23:20 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my mother came over to visit, and my kids started excitedly telling her Christmas is coming soon. She freaked out, saying Christmas is a "Satanic holiday" and telling them that Santa is going to hell along with everyone who celebrates it. My children are now traumatized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 841
You deserved it 3 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... Santa is going to hell? So, she thinks Santa is real? There's the first sign she's a wacko. Uhh... I mean... SANTA IS REAL, FML KIDS.


catharsis5 9

By any chance did your mother confuse Christmas and Halloween? Halloween is closer than Christmas when you posted this...

YourVoiceofReasn 6

She probably just wanted them to stop talking about it. I mean, for ****'s sake, it's not even Halloween yet!

She might be aware that Christmas is originally based on the Roman holiday Saturnalia, and originally had nothing to do with Jesus. Saturnalia was a celebration of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. Which of course would be viewed as Satan by Christians.

Your mother is going to cuz god luvs all including Santa and for her to say that means she is not following what she preaches

What a major **** I'm sorry she might be a nice person but jeez how old were your kids like 5-10 telling them that santos going to hell is a major **** move sorry but MAJOR **** ALERT

Arlisshsr 9

its saturnalia...get educated...


Why would your mother do that? She's scarred her grandchildren and Christmas is the most religious holiday besides Easter.

I think, I THINK, that your mother is a Puritan.