By effingpot - 28/02/2009 07:55 - United States

Today, my mother decided she wanted the family to go on a special outing for the holidays. She asked me to drive everyone when she got home from work. Later I noticed the house was empty. The whole family, including the dog, left without telling me. They took my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 152
You deserved it 2 594

effingpot tells us more.

Yeah I was pretty upset that they left after asking me to drive in the first place. Why? I have no idea why. I was pretty upset but they didn't think it was a big deal. I was going to drive out to where they were to confront them about it until I realized I had no keys or car. I had to wait till they got back to yell at them.


ChefPhilly 13

Sounds like a "Home Alone" situation...

The_9th_Doctor 18

report your car stolen. that'll stop their fun right quick.

I would have call the police saying my car was stolen, when your parents ask WTF just say " oh I thought I was going with you so I was worried when the car was gone and I was here"

I'm sorry if this seems insensitive but this situation really reminds me if ice age when sidds family leaves him to migrate.