By effingpot - 28/02/2009 07:55 - United States

Today, my mother decided she wanted the family to go on a special outing for the holidays. She asked me to drive everyone when she got home from work. Later I noticed the house was empty. The whole family, including the dog, left without telling me. They took my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 152
You deserved it 2 594

effingpot tells us more.

Yeah I was pretty upset that they left after asking me to drive in the first place. Why? I have no idea why. I was pretty upset but they didn't think it was a big deal. I was going to drive out to where they were to confront them about it until I realized I had no keys or car. I had to wait till they got back to yell at them.


Ummm what holidays? Oh and ABANDONMENT ZING!!!

twilax101 0

THAT SUCKS, you could totally report the car missing

I'd be more concerned about the dog abandoning you. When that happens, your life truly is f'ed.

Winter holidays are just ending here on Monday, so if this was submitted even just a couple days ago it's perfectly reasonable... (the holidays, not taking your child's car, lol)

just **** up the entire house until it is not recognizable

Yeah I was pretty upset that they left after asking me to drive in the first place. Why? I have no idea why. I was pretty upset but they didn't think it was a big deal. I was going to drive out to where they were to confront them about it until I realized I had no keys or car. I had to wait till they got back to yell at them.

they probably left you because you're a pothead "effingpot"

You should have reported your car missing.

Helldemon 32

#42 Could be worse, he could be an ignorant b*tch.

Since you apparently live at home with your parents, I have to ask... is the car really yours? If it is, this is definitely a report it stolen situation. But if not... I have to say I don't think you can really complain about that part. At the same time, it was a complete bitch move for them to leave you there, regardless. Sucks, man.

I don't think it's prudent to report the car stolen :S Just set up a few cameras, dye your hair blond and wait for the home alone style shenanigans to begin =D