By drbckflps - 18/12/2014 00:48 - Australia - Mount Gravatt

Today, my mother-in-law asked for a copy of my son's death certificate so she could have her week-long island beach holiday classed as bereavement leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 920
You deserved it 2 976

drbckflps tells us more.

I haven't read all the comments yet but thank you for your condolences. This is indeed the grandmother of my son and no, she didn't take the holiday as a way of grieving - it was purely opportunistic. She wasn't even polite to us at the funeral: her words to me were, "In six months when I get back you'll have forgotten this whole thing ever happened." Very disappointing. Thank you all again. I'll reply again when I get a chance to read some more comments.

Top comments

That's horrible:( I'm sorry for your loss!

Everyone can grieve differently, but that just seems a bit heartless and opportunistic. I'm sorry for your loss OP, I can't imagine how that feels.


alex101676 8

that is one selfish cold harded bitch

I'm sorry OP. :( I'm surprised she even has a job with that kind of thought process.

Thats a new level of low!! Sorry for your loss OP X

How can people say you deserved it? Your mother in law sounds like a bitch if she's gonna act like that over the loss of your child, nobody deserves that.

Omg that's so twisted and sick. So sorry for your loss! :(