By Anonymous - 30/11/2013 16:09 - United States - Deer Park

Today, my mother in-law made dessert. It was a beautiful chocolate cake, chocolate cookies, and every other thing had chocolate in it. I'm deathly allergic to chocolate and she knows this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 704
You deserved it 3 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every desert was chocolate? I'll be right back, I have a trip to the Sahara scheduled.


crazytwinsmom 25

I'm not sure what bothers me more, what she did or the fact that you can't have chocolate. I'm a chocoholic.

Sweetpea22 14

And where in that comment did #19 even come close to implying the OP was gay?

That's intent to make you feel bad. Too bad -not really, but that you weren't deathly allergic and by being so close didn't cause a severe reaction...epi pen...ER visit. That way she can feel guilty for her actions.

cryssycakesx3 22

I never understood the hatred for in-laws, especially mothers. even during dating you should become friends, at least for the sake of dating their child. my mom hasn't been very motherly, more of a friend and my dad lives far away. I love going over to either of his parents' house they might not be like my parents, but they're definitely family.

This is a case where the mother-in-law seems to hate the OP. It isn't specified whether OP has anything against her.

cryssycakesx3 22

OK.... I understand the actual reasons why people don't get along but thanks doesn't clearing I up. I wasn't saying her actions were petty or not. I was making a generalization based on a lot of fmls concerning in-laws that have no merit. but again, thank you for sorting out what's a reasonable disagreement and what's not.

cryssycakesx3 22

and boohoo OP can't eat the dessert. it's not like it was the main course, as I said in a different comment. I think OP needs to realize not everyone's menu revolves around him/her. people forget things too, it doesn't have to be malicious. my live in boyfriend of 2 years is veg and I forget all the time.

Being vegetarian DOES NOT equal having a deadly allergy. I highly suggest you Google anaphylaxis. Just being in a room with their allergy can kill them. That's what you're not getting.

Many mother in laws have issues with a girl stealing their son, this is where most of the animosity stems from. Based on what you have written in all your posts, you are extremely ignorant and do not understand what is happening in this FML. You sound inconsiderate as well. How can you forget your boyfriend is a vegetarian after 2 years?!? And regardless if it is preference or necessity, as it is in this FML as well as my own situation, people should still have enough respect towards the other person to accommodate them as well, rather than making them feel like an outcast as Op's mother in law did.

Q94 5
Rainhawk94 27

Why does the gender even matter, it has no relation to the fml at all

Phillies9513 4

Well at least she didn't disguise the chocolate and/or force you to eat it.

My MIL continued calling me by my hubby's ex gfs name for 2 years after we were married. She would say "oh I'm sorry, she's just such a big part of my family sometimes I forget she's not here" we were together 2 yrs before we got married. I feel your pain!!

cryssycakesx3 22

76, no one said it did. 19 assumed OP was female whereas 40 thought male since it wasn't specified. gender validity wasn't challenged.