What could go wrong?

By Rebecca - 03/10/2020 23:07

Today, I slipped into an ATM vestibule quickly without a mask. The place smelled like the antiseptic at a doctor's office, so I figured, "What could go wrong?" Not more than 6 hours later, I found out that I’m sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 390
You deserved it 1 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wouldn't have gotten sick that quickly, but congrats you may have spread your germs to whoever went in next!

Then you definitely didn't get it from there! The incubation period is much longer.


Then you definitely didn't get it from there! The incubation period is much longer.

You wouldn't have gotten sick that quickly, but congrats you may have spread your germs to whoever went in next!

People like you are why I haven't been outside since the numbers have risen. YDI, but I hope you feel better soon.

Stupid is as stupid does. Masks are mostly about protecting others when you may not yet realize you are sick, not primarily about protecting you. But if you didn’t use a mask there, where else didn’t you use it? I see 2/3 of the people in stores without a mask or with a mask below the nose, and think, are they stupid, or just don’t care about the well-being of others. It’s always the elderly that are in masks looking worried.

Congrats on keeping the virus going! The rest of us were worried it was going away.

wysegirl 24

You were sick beforehand not from going in there. The mask isn't to protect you it's to protect others from you. The majority of people are not showing symptoms so hopefully you just have a cold. Good luck and feel better soon.

randybryant799 20

Oh please. You wouldn't have gotten sick that quickly.