By Anonymous - 30/11/2013 16:09 - United States - Deer Park
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/11/2013 21:40 - United States - Blain
By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays
By Cake - 12/01/2023 14:00
By I'm so sorry... - 01/03/2017 16:00
By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park
Go home
By Anonymous - 12/09/2018 18:30
The best day of your life
By sadbride - 09/10/2018 13:30
By Anoymous - 09/06/2013 06:02 - United States - Burlingame
By birthdayboy - 19/06/2019 16:22
By wakinginvegas87 - 05/09/2010 15:49 - United States
Top comments
At least you arent your spouse, they were RAISED by that bitch
... At least the cakes looked nice :O
"Because the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many." - Captain Kirk, Star Trek, explaining why he came back for Spock. The "needs" of the many to have every single dessert include chocolate do not outweigh the need of the one to be included at a family gathering rather than spited with a bounty of luscious desserts that OP cannot eat and survive. There are tons of wonderful non-chocolate desserts out there.
When my friend and I went to a restaurant, I wanted to order a shrimp pasta dish. She told me she is severely allergic to shrimp, so I ordered another dish with chicken instead. Its common decency to not purposely eat something with an allergen that can kill your friend or family member sitting next to you. I can eat shrimp another day. OPs mom can do the same with the chocolate. Or at the very least, provided a chocolate free dessert as well.
Unless I misunderstood, if you're the one eating it, it won't affect her at all. I would've ordered it anyway, if she would actually get offended by you not being allergic to something she would just have to get over it.
99/98 - You realize that some allergies all you have to do is TOUCH the food and you get a reaction so sever it can kill you? Obviously they aren't going to be sticking their hands in your food, but what if you get some sauce on your hand and then touch them? There was a story about a girl who killed her boyfriend because she ate peanuts then kissed him several hours later.
Exactly, #115. If you're severely allergic to a food, they don't even necessarily have to touch you, just being near to that food can set it off. #99, you can't stand somebody because they're trying to stop themselves having a possibly fatal allergic reaction?
115 has it right. My husband is allergic to walnuts. Not deathly, but he feels like death by the time his immune system has had enough. He doesn't even have to eat the walnut itself. He ate something that merely *touched* something that had walnuts in it and was in the bathroom throwing up all night and having stomach cramps. Food allergies, severe or not, are not something to take lightly. Clearly you guys don't understand food allergies if you don't think that there is something a little bit wrong with this situation.
My "mother-in-law" spent the day avoiding looking at me/speaking to me. I'd rather have her make food that could kill me instead of being passive-aggressive.
I think deliberately making all the food be something that somebody can't eat is pretty passive aggressive. Sorry your 'mother-in-law' has also been nasty to you though.
Sounds like a bitch -. - Hey maybe she'll have death by chocolate :P

She must hate you a lot.
Every desert was chocolate? I'll be right back, I have a trip to the Sahara scheduled.