By Anonymous - 13/01/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law moved into my wife's two-bedroom apartment. She's quite possibly the reincarnation of Hitler himself, and she'll be staying until this time next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 622
You deserved it 2 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AngeloDiCielo 4

Well, if you rearrange the letters in "Mother In-Law" it spells Woman Hitler...

hennessy89 34

Is anyone curious as to why OP wrote his wife's apartment? Does he not live with his wife? SEMANTICS PEOPLE! They are important!


Unless she has mental health issues or dementia/Alzheimer's kick her out (if your wife lets you).

Hitler won Times person of the year once, can't be all bad..

Lay down the law early on. Your house, your rules. Hopefully you guys can connect and it won't be that bad, but she needs to respect your household and she needs to know that she is a guest and you won't stand her crap. Good luck OP.

Not OP's house. Clearly he has his own rules to follow including letting his wife have her own mother stay in her own house... if he doesn't like that maybe he can get his own place.

Mother in Law *scrambles* Woman Hitler

Assisted living or old folks home all the way

Assisted living or old folks home all the way

Make her "go missing..." if ya catch my drift. Nah, just salute her next time. She'll catch the hint.