By Anonymous - 13/01/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law moved into my wife's two-bedroom apartment. She's quite possibly the reincarnation of Hitler himself, and she'll be staying until this time next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 622
You deserved it 2 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AngeloDiCielo 4

Well, if you rearrange the letters in "Mother In-Law" it spells Woman Hitler...

hennessy89 34

Is anyone curious as to why OP wrote his wife's apartment? Does he not live with his wife? SEMANTICS PEOPLE! They are important!


kickboxingchick 5

It's your girlfriends apartment, not yours. So live with or get your own place.

Dumb question but moved in to your wife's apartment, Don't you mean your apartment?

Moved into your wife's apartment? Really? Isn't it your apartment too? Did you agree or just roll over and play stupid? Oh, here is a clue. If she is going to be there a year, don't expect her to move out ever.

Are you retarded? People move into their boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance(e)'s homes all the time - I guess in this case it would be wife's. So no, it's not necessarily his apartment too.