By Anonymous - 13/01/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law moved into my wife's two-bedroom apartment. She's quite possibly the reincarnation of Hitler himself, and she'll be staying until this time next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 622
You deserved it 2 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AngeloDiCielo 4

Well, if you rearrange the letters in "Mother In-Law" it spells Woman Hitler...

hennessy89 34

Is anyone curious as to why OP wrote his wife's apartment? Does he not live with his wife? SEMANTICS PEOPLE! They are important!


mom2pen 4

Apply for that show on TLC, Monster-in-Law. They work miracles.

Clamcreepy 7

I would say plan an attack to blow her up or on "inglorious bastard" buttttt....your wife might not approve

bassdownlow11 1

Run! Run fast! Dang I feel for ya

Hiel MIL! ... Does she only want blonde haired blue eyed grand babies?

I'm pretty sure she isn't Hitler's reincarnation. She could be the Antichrist perhaps but if she was Hitler, with her being old, I'm pretty sure she would have screwed the world over by now, not just you....if she starts talking about any superior race though....I recommend you drown her and say she hit her head in the tub.

joshdairyman 6

m-o-t-h-e-r i-n l-a-w mix the letters around w-o-m-a-n h-i-t-l-e-r

OP, "my wife's 2 bedroom apartment" makes no sense......

His wife has an apartment with two bedrooms... 1,2 I know it's a big number!! What on Earth don't you understand? A wife is a person you marry. An apartment is a few rooms in a big building that people live in. It belongs to their wife because bought it. Two is the number after one. A bedroom is a room with a bed where you sleep... I really do not see your confusion.

Anagram for 'mother in law' is 'woman hitler'. Check it.

anzie_fml 9

This has been established three times already. Check it.

Trap her somewhere and surround her hopefully she will commit suicide just like hitler

'Mother in law' rearranged spells out 'woman hitler.' I feel for you OP.

KiddNYC1O 20

What crawled up your ass and left a mother-in-law hatchling?