By hannah12345 - 26/02/2010 17:54 - France

By hannah12345 - 26/02/2010 17:54 - France
By Becca Velveeta - 26/10/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 22/01/2010 05:02 - United States
By not as scarred as he should be - 18/10/2012 18:19 - Canada - Cambridge
By fml - 07/03/2010 15:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/11/2020 21:32 - India
By Jill Shanks - 01/09/2010 06:16 - United States
By Rowden - 26/04/2010 09:58 - Australia
By weezer - 21/02/2011 13:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 10:06 - United States
By ohgod... - 02/04/2012 02:18 - Canada - Magog
lol yum
snicker I would lick whip cream off you ^.^
uhhh... ew? no offense snickers
at least u wernt having ... so look on the bright side
Too be fair, if there are parents in the vicinity, it isn't a good idea to partake in any nipple licking activities without a locked door.
This is true. When my girlfriend still lived at home they didn't even bother putting a knob on her door.
IDK what they will say, but / this. Im betting they will be right.
dam snickers its okay... stop getting all up in peoples junk o.O
lucky bastard. being a virgin totally sucks
hahah, oh wow.
what flavour?
Thanks, imdeborah. I was about to say the exact same thing.
I've done that with my boyfriend before but we didn't get caught....
I completely second this, That IS the best way to have whipped cream, after all.
I agree especially on a nice tall muscular man sausage
Simply say you were saving water by not using dishes!
#33 Sucks for you. But that's not the point. the thing is.. Her mom walked in on her. OP You should learn to lock your door or learn how to lock it. Why would you do it if she was home anyways. I'm assuming you are underage. So the best time to do it would be when she's not home. Have fun being grounded and learn from your mistakes!
haha, no #80 I was not.
I wish u were!
x] hahah, ohh woww.
pass the whipped cream? oh wait...
wow people who say "they were of illegal age" r stupid. it's not illegal to have sex no matter what the age, as long as it isn't rape.
errr yes it is illegal for people under 16 . the only reason y they allow minors to buy condoms and the pill is for moral reasons, if I don't supply this kid with condoms he's gonna have unsafe sex and have babies. seriously yr a seriously dumb shot for saying it isn't illegal
rofl why didn't you lock the door?
you make me horny!
that would be a sticky situation!!!! (pun intended)
hey number 90 u should be my friend cuz ur hot
hi friend.
what's up?
133: hm, not much just talking to alot of people. you?
hanging out at my house with my friend
yep...what's ur name?
lol, samantha like my username.
suure why not.
oh haha yeah I knew that.....
144: hahah :) and I'm guessing your name is zach.
nope Scott. haha just kidding!! yeah it is
hahaha okay :)
I have no facebook sorry lol.
how do you? facebook's gayyy :)
how old r u?
157: fifteen. 158: I don't likkke facebook :) that's why I don't have one ^.^
good job I don't have facebook either!!! it's gay and I'm 14
@60 umm its whipped cream. its not flavored.
lol x)
lmao I'm confused but okay. so wait what's a trombone?
it's like an instrument
167: ipod touch :)
lol thankyou 170 :)
ur welcome Samantha! why did u wanna know? and touch
becuase there was another fml with a trombone and people were making fun of me becuase I didn't know what it was... lmao.
haha that's retarded
hahah, I knoww huh. I have my moments x)
washington, haha.
I live in Denver colorado
what's a denver?
a city...the capital of colorado
no! I want to though.
ski ing is better!!
lol and thanks zach :)
haha nope almost did like 2 days ago
lol almost? what happened?
well I was gonna ask her out right after the only class we have together but this other guy did right before that class
oooh that sucks. I made my ex cry x) and he's 2 years older than me.
yeah really... how old r u?
198: no I do not. zach: I answered this already, hehe :)
wait why were you saying holy shit lol?
no haha that was to the other guy
hahah, I am so confused :) but okay lol.
haha yeah. so what r u guys doin?
207: ohhhhh lol. someone told me I look 18?
zach: laying on my bed talking to you two. 210: my parents check the texts AND the number and freak when they find a different area code, sorry. they're so protective!
they go online, wierrrd I know. and my parents don't trust me anymore lol.
that's sweet
hii Jake. I used to be madly in love with a guy named jake lmao. zach: I know huh. what are you up to?
just hanging out with my friend brad
because I lie to much, hehe. 206: you can join us too!:)
Hi mom wanna join in? OMG thatd be hilarious!!
219: lmao, maybe but I don't really care I'm ******* bored hahah. zach: awesome.
224: whyy??
hahah oh.
wait, what happened to zach lmao?
hehe. 230: what does "ty" mean lol?
hah yep so how is ur night goin sam?
zach: it's GAY AS ****. but it's all good :) jake: uhh, no lol. what's your face: thankyou ^.^
why is it gay as ****?
wait did u say I'm gay as ****?
jake: all of the above. zach: no my comment got cut :( it used to say: zach
oh haha ok thanks I'm havin fun
lol no it keeps messing up! well it's gay cause I'm bored and my friends ditched me.
oh why did they ditch u?
cause they all have better friends now :(
aww I'm sorry!!
it's all good, I guess :( I moved so yeah they're forgetting about me. it sucks :(
oh yeah I'm sorry I've moved a lot I hate that
mee too :( but thankyou jake and zach for caring ^.^
lol, huhh? sorry you lost me I'm not to bright :P lmao! we took up like three pages of just talking hehehe:)
ur welcome!! :)
haha yeah I know!! which one should we go to?
hahah, hmm idk.
yeah not the first one too many people just stay here
265: thankyou :D sorry I'm really bad at.. letters or whatever.
ya Jake she is
272: hahah, uhhhh...?
haha yes I agree
hahaha x)
lol, jake you need to calm down. but thankyou :)
haha she's like wooooahh
haha, no shit sherlock.
haha yeah
don't talk about me o.o
lol, I'm just kidding :)
yeah it's 3032630231
lol zach! dumbass, everyones going to call you now lmao. and hey you put a picture up.
I got my picture to work!
I'm a virgin, it's not that bad :)
haha I don't care nobodys gonna read the fifth page of comments
lol oh okay I guess that's true hahah. I'm going to steal your glasses, btw.
nope those r MINE!! haha :)
hahahah, ohhh woww lol :)
haha :) u should text me sam
lol, my parents might freakk like I said :)
uhm, medium I guess? hahah. it's cause I'm hella skinny, er that's what my friends say lol.
why would they freak? that's retarded but say I moved there from another state and I kept my old phone number
pssh okay okay goshaa.
kk, what's your numbaa?
I don't want to say it on this becuase i'll be stalked hahah :) but I'll text you sometimme.
hahah, kk.
omg stfu nobody cares. takes this convo shit somewhere else. and yes, that sucks OP!
lol wait what? I'm confused again hahaha.
haha. it's funny cuz ur a guy lickin cream off another guys nipples. lmao
wait.. where does it say it's a guy? I'm pretty sure it's a girl but I could be wrong!
328: it doesn't say the gender on this one but I'm pretty sure it's a girl too lol.
especially since the username is Hannah something haha
sam, ur so cute ur directing all the attention off this fml ad seeing those 2 dudes drool over you is hilarious :)
FML I'm so bored I just read all seven pages of comments. And I have too say, might wanna keep these convo's private kiddies. imtoogood25, your #230 comment was the ******* LULz. Oh yeah, might wanna watch out for fireboy, he sounds pedo.
@329, you really don't know what Ty or a trombone is? lol Look it up and please talk somewhere else.
All three of you are retarded. especially a 15 year old who doesn't know United Stares capitals or what a trombone is. With your brain, you are either going to be a great fast food restaurant manager or some kind of stripper / prostitute. Have fun with that. Also talk on AIM or something. No one wants to read your boring conversation except to see how much dumber the responses get .
fireobssesed is desparate and trying to smash Sam. lawl
339: I'm not THAT stupid :(
338: NIRVANA!!! :D :D :D
hi bob
samantha_durano, jetpackzach and fireobsessed, I admit that I have indulged in some long off-topic convos in the past, but I have never seen anything like what you guys have done! FML has provided a lovely Private Message system that is ideal for discussing private matters one-on-one. Of course, if Sam were enjoying the threesome, she could have chatted with those guys elsewhere. Guys, it was really not smart to post your phone numbers here. If you start getting weird, awful crap via text and voice, you have only yourselves to blame. I find it ironic that while the main page of FML covers "mature" topics, the nice people of FML have taken the really "mature" ones to the special section of "Intimacy" to make it a little harder for minors to view them, and here we are in an "Intimacy" topic hijacked by minors. Please try to think when your conversation may no longer be interesting or entertaining for the general readership, it's time to go private. By the way, good job, Sam! Way to go converting the gay Zach to heterosexuality in just a few keystrokes! ;)
62 thts a man in ur pic are u gay??
369: I left because people were getting mad x)
arnt you allowed to spell the word sex..pfft.
378: ???? 381: hahh, kind of not really.
ur hot
384: I completely agree with you. 385: hahah, I know.
Whether this is an FYL or a YDI depends almost entirely on your living situation and location. Live with mum and left room door unlocked = YDI. Live on your own and mum has the key = FYL. Your next family dinner should be quite entertaining.
what are you twelve?
365: whyy??
your hot
that's a joke right??
Jetpackzach are you a girl or guy? I'm slightly confused because you said you did this with your boyfriend but then you're tellin this girl she's hot and your name is Zachary after all.... -_-"
you look like a boy O.o
ydi for not locking the door
almost 200 replies wow
at least it would have been a slightly normal thing that people usually do.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaylmfao
hot mom daughter action, the holy grail of threesomes
fml, it would have been funny if you don't live with your mom though.... * senses are tingling!*
I thought it was twins o.O
@37 ^
the real fml is that it took 5 freakin pages for the #2 comment to get up!
No, just no.
hahahaha u deserved it
threesomes are awesome
^I know this makes no sense, wanted to edit it but couldn't find it *Mad emoji face*
it doesn't just suck, it licks.
montrial suck
oooh this is so much funnier than I thought it was, cuz I read it first as putting and not licking.. aha xD
I read it that way too #5 LOL
ur doin it wrong
wonderful, just what your mother wants to see you and your boyfriend doing. def fyl and your mothers life because you have certainly scarred the poor woman.
...Bon appetitty?