By Rowden - 26/04/2010 09:58 - Australia

By Rowden - 26/04/2010 09:58 - Australia
By hannah12345 - 26/02/2010 17:54 - France
By Anonymous - 23/01/2011 00:12 - United States
By fml - 07/03/2010 15:46 - United States
By yourmainman - 28/01/2013 05:03 - Canada
By Anonymous - 30/09/2012 04:37 - United States - Northridge
By Snufflopagus - 01/01/2014 13:26 - United States - Lynnwood
By Jumja - 15/01/2010 11:37 - Netherlands
By hss - 30/05/2011 01:59 - United States
By skiittlez713 - 20/05/2011 08:40 - United States
By lovely - 26/02/2014 18:53 - United States - San Francisco
your boyfriend is a pussy
you probably have huge hairy nipples. that was just his excuse
I agree with #1 and damn your so attractive #1
u better make him a sandwich too if u want sex
Definitely gay
agreed, who won't lick whipped cream off nipples, OP should've put strawberries on them also and said "here is a healthy alternative, now lick it bitch!"
lol @ 8
23 is fugly as uck
9 is experiencing his first erection.
agreed. @Karina said: thank you for not writing "first". op: you come to the south in the US anytime and we'll treat you right. we know how to treat women, both historically and in modern times. but another thing, I didn't know Australia had whipped cream.
should have taped fruit to ur ****
37 nice reaction actually..not many people take insults like that..most people go crazy lol (this isn't sarcasm)
is your bf a highschool quaterback from Texas as well?
dont bring texas into this my friend
^^^agreed you get a Texas size murk down
I agree with 5. he sounds gay
I'll film it and we will all retire very very rich.
since when was whipped cream considered kinky?
Tell your bf to please hand over his man card
The first comment says it all.
your 'boyfriend' is now officially your Girlfriend.
wow what a gaybot I would have licked that nipple in a second
agreed, wanted to say the same
what a pussy, am I right??
he's on a diet WTF is wrong with you messing with that
yeah he is gay
not nice
maybe he's just a health nut :)
Oooooorrr, maybe he's just a pussy.
maybe her nipples taste like a dirty penny?
Op honestly I don't think you understand. He's doing it for you, out of love.
You beat me to it!!!
I shave my nipples. (lol not really)
definantly hot :)
u look like u would be a *****
haha ur dissing her but we don't have pictures. so for all every1 knows ur ugly.
She's gorgeous, but the picture is just a tad too revealing. Yep...just a tad. Lolz.
Thank you, I love it too! :D Well, I used to suffer from anorexia when I was in high school and all I was thinking about that time was calculating calories from food. If the OP's boyfriend isn't anorexic then he must be orthorexic or something, you know, the obsession with healthy foods only. Weird.
#45, That's anorexia nervosa (not sure of the exact spelling), it's basically almost the same thing as anorexia But it's more of a mental thing where, as you described, the person believes they're fat when they are actually not.
Anorexia nervosa is a eating disorder,anorexia is not eating for a few days due to illness or surgery or whatever.
what a fag..
^^ epic win. kid stop trying to look kool. u just look gay hahaha
your boyfriend is a pussy
You should've told him you two would burn it off in a couple minutes(;