By sexandanxiety - 30/04/2015 00:46 - Canada - Stittsville

Today, my mother was trying to have yet another "helpful" conversation about how to fix my anxiety. My sister's insightful comment? "I think your problem is that you need to get laid." My mom agreed with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 652
You deserved it 4 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

please tell me they are joking. what kind of support is that?

Merylwen 24

Anxiety disorders are a mental health issue. Not something one somehow solves with sex (or alcohol, or drugs). Try to get your family to read on the topic and get medical help OP. :)


Have you given it a try, OP? Your mom and sister might have a point, and you'll never know unless you test their hypothesis.

I don't see aa problem here. I genuinely don't.

It worked for me, but not for my mum, so... It depends on the root cause and whether it has been diagnosed by a doctor

I wont say that alone is a good treatment plan. But it definitely could be part of one.