By sexandanxiety - 30/04/2015 00:46 - Canada - Stittsville

Today, my mother was trying to have yet another "helpful" conversation about how to fix my anxiety. My sister's insightful comment? "I think your problem is that you need to get laid." My mom agreed with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 652
You deserved it 4 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

please tell me they are joking. what kind of support is that?

Merylwen 24

Anxiety disorders are a mental health issue. Not something one somehow solves with sex (or alcohol, or drugs). Try to get your family to read on the topic and get medical help OP. :)


Seriously though, try Sertraline. Source: I have anxiety

Not sure about sex but companionship will definitely help reduce anxiety issues

if getting laid constantly helped with anxiety i wouldn't have it anymore.

middlenamefrank 8

Maybe they're right. Always works for me.

BamBAmGG 14

Sex is known to relieve stress though! However, it won't fix nor completely alleviate your anxiety, you need to talk to a doctor about possible treatments OP. Home remedies won't work for that.

As someone with anxiety that's had to stop right in the middle of sex because of an anxiety attack (sometimes BECAUSE of sex*), you can tell your mom and sister from me that that's bullshit. *Before you say anything insensitive, no, I haven't ever been raped/sexually abused, and I don't have any bizarre phobias.

Anxiety sucks. OP's sister and mother clearly have no idea what it's like to be anxious. I have relationship based OCD, I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Username735 11

As someone with anxiety, I've found that sex and masturbation do help relieve tension.

I volunteer as tribute! (I'm joking.)

Getting laid solves everything, didn't ya know?