By ugh - 01/12/2015 03:52 - Canada - Lethbridge

Today, my mother went through my bag and found what she thought was rolling papers. I was yelled at and called a stupid pothead with no future. They were facial blotting papers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 662
You deserved it 1 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MikaykayUnicorn 36

FYI for your crazy mother AND your oily skin OP.


1) personal space should have been an issue. 2) how does your mother know what rolling papers are. 3) did she apologize when she found out what they were. 4) did you somehow loose trust for something similar in the past is that why she feels it's OK to violate your privacy .

Wow. For your mom to go through your bag is a huge invasion of privacy, she should have been yelled at and bitched out.

I'm a successful businessman with 18 employees and several millions in billing each year. I own properties, have brand new cars, and own a large house with a pool and a hot tub overlooking the sunset coast in Hawaii. And I smoke pot. I don't see why people get their panties in a wad over a little weed. It's no different than enjoying a nice scotch at night.

Plot twist: all of those things are a delusion of your drugged out mind.

In short, "I'm successful and I smoke pot." Thank you and good night.

dman798 18

People should really think before they speak.

Papers either way...still come on that's a bit extreme

drc2010 13

Just because you smoke pot doesn't make you stupid or no future. There are several famous and wealthy people in this world that smoke pot and it doesn't make them dumb, just relaxed, helps cure cancer and stay cancer free. Your mom is the stupid one. She needs to read about that before she goes around saying ignorant things.