By traumatised - 11/10/2009 16:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my new roommate decided to put his pet hamster in the same cage as my beloved hamster. Apparently he wanted them to make hamster babies. They are both males. His hamster attacked mine and tore it to pieces. I just finished cleaning up the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 486
You deserved it 2 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that sucks.. cleaning up the remains of your pet..

happyemokid8181 0

Moment of silence for the poor hamster.....your roommate sucks. He should have known that you had a male hamster. He's not a good roommate...once again, I'm sorry for your loss.


thorn4everyheart 0

haha she actually had the strength.......

CyclonePsycho 1

Throw the other hamster out the window. >:

Wtf is wrong with you? Kill another innocent animal to what, make up for the death of another innocent animal? You're a moron. Go swim to Japan.

Male or Female, a hamster will still probably attack unless they're both in the mood. The female may still attack the male afterward :fiesty!!:. That was an idiot move by your roommate. Shoulda made him clean it up. Poor hamster.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I'm sorry :( I once had to go through something like that, though it was my sister's cat who got to it. It was a sad morning.

i don't like hamsters that much but it's a pet u love and care for so I know that has to hurt

If you videotaped that you coulda made a fortune. by the way how can anyone get attached to a hamster?

because a hamster is just like any other animal?

Because, unlike you, they have souls. You are clearly made from Satan's squat loaf so go decorate the motorway.