By traumatised - 11/10/2009 16:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my new roommate decided to put his pet hamster in the same cage as my beloved hamster. Apparently he wanted them to make hamster babies. They are both males. His hamster attacked mine and tore it to pieces. I just finished cleaning up the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 486
You deserved it 2 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that sucks.. cleaning up the remains of your pet..

happyemokid8181 0

Moment of silence for the poor hamster.....your roommate sucks. He should have known that you had a male hamster. He's not a good roommate...once again, I'm sorry for your loss.


You're posting an fml about your hamster? Which idiot moderated this post?

aww that's so sad...I have a male hamster that I love and I would be so sad to see him dead. I hope you will be okay and I'm sorry for your loss

when i was little the 3 daycare hamsters all riped eachother apart there was only 1 survivor and I saw the remains of the other two I feel your pain ( I had to help clean it up)

Your roommate will have to re-take some biology classes. I'm sorry about your pet, FYL

sweetbabysweet93 10

I like that the word hampster lines up exactly four times

stephanieeDawnx 0

So.. Is it PET SMART or PETS MART..?

I think your roommate needs a Biology lesson.

This happened to my hamster. My sisters hamster beheaded mine then killed himself from depression of my hamster being gone. One dumbass hamster.