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By ThisIsWhyIStayAtHome - 24/05/2014 00:09 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I was at a nightclub when some dick squeezed the ass of the girl beside me. She whirled around and started yelling and slapping me across the face. I was dragged out by the bouncers, to cheers from the people around us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 331
You deserved it 3 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude that sucks. Sometimes you're just at the wrong place at the wrong time


bitches be trippin'. too bad they wouldnt let you explain the situation.

Dude that sucks. Sometimes you're just at the wrong place at the wrong time

At the same time, even if a guy grabbed my ass when I didn't want him to I usually just ignore it, the most I would do is tell him to **** the hell off. This girl hugely overreacted. Why do so many girls nowadays think it's perfectly acceptable to just start slapping people? All these girls want equality? Don't think you can hit guys when you know damn well they won't hit you back, it's deplorable.

I consider ass-grabbing or other forms of uncalled for harrassment a perfectly good reason for a slap! Making sure you slap the right person is somewhat crucial though.

kingdomgirl94 29

Yeah, if you just put up with it, people will go on thinking that groping strangers is okay. If someone grabbed my ass (I don't go out clubbing or anything and my bf is terrifying, so its never happened to me) I'd turn around and clean their clock. No one touches me without my permission. Shit like that escalates. First its grabbing woman's asses, then ****, then eventually the prick is trying to force sex on someone. The kind of men who don't respect women and personal boundaries are the kind that can turn into rapists.

SkyGuy32 17

So call him out, but don't assault him.

#35 - I'm not gonna let some asshole grab me if I don't want to. The girl in the FML hit the wrong person, but it's perfectly okay to defend yourself. It's not "deplorable" to fight back against being assaulted, and you know what? They don't want me to hit them? Then don't grab my ass!

If a stranger intentionally touches me without my permission, whether it's a grope or a push or whatever I'm going to warn them once. If they do it again, the gloves are off. I've been in a situation where I've warned a person to stop touching me multiple times and it only escalated until they really hurt me and then they ran off at top speed while I was in pain. Not doing that again. One warning is all anyone gets from now on.

If, as a male, a female grabbed my arse and I slapped her across the face, I would still be in the wrong. Surely that is a double standard.

kingdomgirl94 29

There is a double standard, but that's only because its actually really scary to be harassed by a man, where as most men don't feel threatened by women. I'm not saying its acceptable at all, of course its not, but I'm saying its hard to say that a man groping a woman and a woman groping a man are the same under typical circumstances.

Why is it only scary if it's a male harassing a female? I've known men to be in horrifying domestic abuse situations and they are scared. Men can get scared and it can be caused by a female, there is NOTHING wrong with that.

#50 that's exactly my point. There are other ways of dealing with it. If you feel the need to be physical, push him away and make it clear he was out of line. Shout at him, scream at him, throw a drink at him! Whatever, but don't do anything that would be unacceptable if the roles were reversed. Not to mention not all ass-grabs are malicious, my boyfriend once grabbed a girls ass in a club thinking it was me, because we were wearing the same colours and had very similar hair, she turned round and went to hit him and he caught her arm to stop her and attempt to explain what happened, and all of this girls friends went absolutely batshit crazy and started basically attacking him because he was 'physically assaulting her' by preventing her from slapping him...? Too many women jump straight into hitting a guy that crosses the line, and i'm sorry but that's completely wrong. If he is genuinely harassing you then yeah, do what you can to get rid of him, but one ass grab is NOT harassment, harassment is defined as being aggressive, and that is not aggressive. You should NEVER hit someone if for any reason they can't or won't hit you back. If you ever feel justified in hitting someone in the face you better be prepared to get one back.

So you think girls should just let guys grope them?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I think if a girl hits a guy (not necessarily in this sort of situation but maybe in a domestic abuse type scenario) the guy should most certainly be able to use self defense to get away. Not just sit there and take it because "Real men don't hit women." That's BS because real PEOPLE don't hit other people except in self defense, it shouldn't be an issue. Just my two cents. :)

one day you'll look back and laugh at day

But today is not that day,. Nor will it be for the near future.

GDragonsSwag 21

Umm, didn't you try going to school?

It seems like the situation happened way too fast for anything to be explained

Xquisite1 28

So, after she slapped you OP, did you choose to turn the other cheek?

rdenkewicz 11

He didn't and unfortunately neither did she!

Really sucks that this happened to you, but then it wouldn't really be an FML.

Happens so often in nightclubs, you just fell on a REALLY unlucky situation, don't you worry. Only thing you can do is try to dissimulate yourself in the crowd and dance.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Wrong place, wrong time. Could've thought about chewing the other guy out for being a prick but it seems like you didn't have much of a chance for anything. Sorry OP!

It's all about confidence. Judging from OP's name he probably doesn't go out very often. You just gotta learn how to act, because it sounds like he was creeping out the people around him.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Yes, because the OP clearly is at fault here.

markcallanan_ 20

Just tell her it wasn't you.

Grauncho 27

A bit late for that now, isn't it?

Besides, it sounds like she's one of those bitches who doesn't shut up or let things go.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

girls at clubs are asking for it when they dress like ATTENTION (blank).

Because putting on something that makes you feel pretty and feminine is basically the same as walking around with a sign saying "PLEASE TOUCH MY ASS". Yep, makes sense. (Also, did you notice how the FML said absolutely nothing about how the girl looked?)

Dude, either that was sarcasm or you are incredibly stupid. Women dressing in a certain way does not mean that they are asking for trouble.

So when guys are shirtless at the beach they are asking for sexual harassment/assault?

28- Nope. Shirtless anywhere else? Ehhh…

14, you disgust me. Stating that they are "asking for" sexual harassment? What's next, defending rapists on the grounds of the victim's clothing? No matter what someone wears, how much they drank, how many sexual partners they've had, et cetera, No one is ever asking for it. EVER.