By Fatlady43 - 19/01/2010 05:08 - United States

Today, my niece offered me a slice of cake. After I refused, she asked, "Why not? Aren't fat people always hungry?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 286
You deserved it 6 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The FML here is that your niece is clearly retarded, right? I mean, surely you already knew you if you were fat or not, right? This couldn't be another one of those my-life-is-******-because-someone-told-me-I'm-fat posts. Of course not. It must be the niece-is-retarded thing.

All you people are seriously pathetic. Honestly. I'm fat. I'm not obese, but i'm 20 kilos heavier than I'd like to be. Why? Because I eat too much. My bones aren't too big. I don't have some disease. My legs aren't broken, i could exersize if I wanted too. Why don't I lose the weight? I try, of course. I don't want to be fat. Perhaps I lack determination. But let me get to my point. I don't ask for sympathy for being fat. I just ask not to have it yelled at me across the street from strangers. I mean I don't get on the scales, look at the number and expect a hug, but just because I'm fat does that mean I should be insulted on how I look by people I don't even know? The OP was merely saying she was upset that her neice hurt her feelings. The FML doesn't read; "Today, I ate a cake. I'm fat. FML." so stop acting like she clubs baby seals with orphans.


Hey, she's just a kid. What did you expect?

mshafty 0

I love how all the fatties get defensive and angry that another fatty is getting made fun of :) It must be the time of day when they're all getting hungry again. Hungry fatties=angry fatties. Please go stuff yourselves full of cookie dough and calm down!!

Mshafty, I sincerely hope that comment was intended as a joke, and not to insult fellow members of the FML community.

mshafty 0

Yes it was a very lame joke, and was not intended at the fml community. Hopefully no major offense was taken!

No problem! Just this FML thread is a hotbed and insults are flying, but I don't want to moderate comments unless I know they're maliciously intended. No offence was taken, at least not by me :)

hahahah funny as **** RUN FAT BOY RUN!!!!!!!!

Would you take advice from someone that immature/ignorant? Some people don't realize that there are people who are overweight who actually diet, exercise, and still cannot lose their weight by themselves.

If you want an honest opinion about yourself, ask a little kid! They fortunately don't know what political correctness is. I think the real problem here is not that your niece told you you're fat; it's that no one else had the courage to tell you until now. Maybe it's time to do some exercises?...

Wow, i guess no one ever thought, maybe she refused the cake because she is trying to lose some of the weight.

Perhaps refusing the cake was a diet? The sheer genius of the comments here astounds me... I would rather be massively obese than as rude and ignorant as some of these people commenting on this site. My life may be short, but at least I would live it happily without prejudice and rage... and all the cake I wanted.

Nic_hole 0

haha aww she's a cutie lolz least she's kind enough to offer :) it's alright