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By McChunky =( - 09/03/2009 08:25 - United States

Today, I was with my family at a buffet getting dessert. As I had my chocolate cake in hand, I grabbed an extra slice of cheesecake for my mom because I knew she would like a slice. Upon returning to my table, a couple walking behind me commented, "See, that's why Americans are so obese." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 9 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

&that's when you should have turned and said, "Actually, this cheesecake is for my mom, and American's are so obese because of restaraunts like this one and you are helping them stay open by eating here. Ever think about that?" and then just walked away. Some people, I swear.

Tucatz 0

"And nosy ignorant loudmouths like you are why the rest of the world hates Americans."


lolz, i do that all the time xD but im only 87 pounds so no one says anything about me being obese. I am actually trying to gain weight so i can give blood....

live_love_laugh3 0

I think that if u are that skinny u have problems..

She knows she's underweight. She said she's trying to gain weight. She wasn't bragging about her thinness. You need to stop being so rude. Saying "that's unhealthy as ****" is not going to help anyone.

And also 86 pounds =/= unhealthy. it might be, but it could also be a case of a very fast metabolism, which is my problem (I weigh 92).

ElleEnvy 0

Thats just rude @3 #2 could be short/thyroid problems which would mean they weigh less

someone2me2 1

You Americans are like superfatties. Australia rules!

&that's when you should have turned and said, "Actually, this cheesecake is for my mom, and American's are so obese because of restaraunts like this one and you are helping them stay open by eating here. Ever think about that?" and then just walked away. Some people, I swear.

someone2me2 1

lol but you can't blame them for why you are there They justed wanted local cuisine and to see some elephants

Then they would've said, which is exactly why YOU'RE eating here? Some people, like you #5, I swear.

Keep in mind that op was there too, so trying to pin the blame on the couple might not have gone so well

HopelesslyHpfl 0
skatingweasel 0

I woulda thrown the cheesecake at her and said something witty. But of course i cant think of anything witty right now though...

Tucatz 0

"And nosy ignorant loudmouths like you are why the rest of the world hates Americans."

no, the rest of the world hates America because we make them our bitch.

sceptic 1

Nooo... americans are why the rest of the world hates americans!

What douchebags! I hate people who make quick, snide judgments and comments like that without looking or thinking properly first. **** 'em. I agree with #8!

AntiqueTurquiose 0

what a bitch. i wouldve slapped her. thats so rude. #8 i concur.

Kiebland 0

That reminds me of the time when my family, including my little brother who has a deformed lung and asthma and coughs a lot, were eating breakfast at a hotel. This man looks at my litle brother in the middle of one of his coughing fits and says, "He's going to get everyone else sick." He then went back to scratching his ass in the breakfast line.